Monday, March 21, 2011

Holiday at the orphanage

No school today. One of the volunteers organised a trip to Coconut Grove for the day - but only the older children can go. Jolanda and I stay at the orphanage with the rest. We watch them enter the bus and wave goodbye. The kids are sad that they are not allowed to go and moody. We promise to take them somewhere on another day but that doesn‘t satisfy them. We can hardly get them to play something. After a few rounds Hide and Seek everybody ends up in front of the TV despite the poor quality. It is too hot to play outside. One of these Nigerian movies is on. It is not really good and I think the kids do not understand what they are watching but they watch nevertheless. Jolanda brings some Fan Ice which cheers them up for a while. They mix it with the porridge they didn‘t eat in the morning. Nobody is here to tell them what to do. James and Ellen, who should be at the orphanage, are gone and Millicent is in here room, crying. She had a bad dream about something evil coming and destroying the children and her, she tells me the next day. When she called for Jesus, he came and destroyed the evil thing but she still is afraid. Not until later she comes to join us watching TV. After lunch, we play some sort of baseball outside. However, the children fight more than usual and somebody is always crying. I am glad when the bus with the older children comes back from the trip.