Sunday, May 29, 2011

A cold

I got a cold. Maybe I got it from the draughty Tros, maybe from cold nights with the fan turned on. I am glad I don’t have to work on Tuesday, either way, do some washing and decide to visit the kids at New Life. It is strange to have a cold when it is hot like this. 
At New Life, the kids are in school again. I listen to Sir Anthony in class two. They are having Fantse, though, so I can’t do anything and just watch. I am still surprised on how much difficulties they have with reading here. The way the teachers do their work is very different from what I know from home. The kids learn mostly by heart, without really understanding what they are learning. They can repeat, but not get it on their own. They read a text and can’t tell what they read afterwards. They learn combinations of letters to form words by heart, but can’t decipher words on their own. They know the time tables - but only when they chant it, not if you pick one out of row. They learn to pass exams, that is all. And to be honest, the teachers are not very energetic about their work.
After school, the kids have lunch and then do whatever they want. Small Anthony brings me a bed sheet to keep me warm - I said I have a cold - , but I am not the only one feeling sick. In the end, I sit on the stairs, Ruth on my right, Emmanuella on my left side. After a while, the small ones join us. No energy for bat ball today.