Friday, April 22, 2011

Visitors at New Life

Vacation started. The school is deserted, it is very quiet when I reach the orphanage. Some kids are watching TV, some are making bracelets with other volunteers who organised a creative day. I read with Ruby for a while. It is too hot to play bat ball yet. The older boys have gone somewhere, some girls are washing clothes in the shadow of a tree. I sit at Ellen‘s shop with the youngest boys Dansu and Kweku. They are very sweet today, hold hands, help Ellen and talk a lot. I would give much to understand what they are saying. 
I am playing football with Anthony and Nelson when suddenly a taxi drives onto the compound. First a woman gets out of the car, then a man in a suit. I ask Ruth next to me who that is. A pastor. Nelson is sent to inform James who then calls all the children. They are quiet now and assemble in the hall. The pastor begins to speak. That it is God‘s work that they are alive, that they can live here at New Life. He holds a bible in his hands but doesn‘t use it. He wants to pray with the children. There are many mighty men and women, he says. But there is only one Almighty God. The children repeat his words. Only God helps them. They must ask and pray for his continuous help. Only because of God volunteers are coming. He, the only one Almighty God, sends them. There is no man or woman that gave you your life. It is all God‘s work. I see how the pastor‘s eyes fall onto a picture with a religious saying on the wall. Caring and Sharing is the work of God. At once he incorporates it into his preaching and uses it repeatedly. The kids answer the pastor‘s praying shouting Amen and Hallelujah. If it is not loud enough, the pastor repeats his words with an even louder voice until the kids shout their Amen. Ask for Gods help continuously. There are many mighty men and women. But there is only one Almighty God. Don‘t loose your faith and your trust in him, the one Almighty God. As for him, you are all here in this home. - I am feeling sick and want to go outside. How will they ever help themselves if they always hear things like this? That is where answers like „God will help me“ come from. The preaching feels like brain washing to me. The pastor telling the children to use their voices to pray, the children murmuring with strained faces, eyes closed tightly. Finally the pastor has finished and the children can go back to their games. Now it is time for the donation. First, the pastor hands over a big black plastic back to Ellen with some formal words which appears weird in this informal setting. The same is repeated with the envelope. The pastor is careful to get a good picture, shaking hands with Ellen, handing over his donation, holding his pose for a bit. I can hardly smile when he shakes my hand before he leaves again and quickly go outside to play bat.
This is the first time, the praying felt bad like that. It is a very different picture I saw a few days ago. I stay at the orphanage for the night and prepare my mattress when I hear singing in the hall. Everyone gathered in the hall, forming a big circle. One starts a song and the rest joins. When one song is finished, someone else starts. Sometimes they say something in Fanti. The children enjoy themselves, laugh and clap their hands. I wonder how they can know all these songs. The singing becomes more and more cheerful. Some start to dance, jump in the air. The circle breaks up as more and more want to dance in the middle. I am surprised when I see even the shyer children starting songs or giving the rhythm. It goes on and on. James has difficulties ending the fun and sending everybody back to preps.